6 weeks on Dasatanib update

So following on from my last post about my struggles with Dasatanib on the first night I am pleased to say that in the following 6 weeks I have been tolerating the medication really well when compared to Imatinib. All the side effects on the first night have largely gone plus on the plus side:

  • I have had no cramps at all which I suffered a lot with Imatinib
  • I have not had any stomach issues at all
  • My Eczema has largely cleared up and my skin feels less dry in general
  • The ability to take the Dasatanib with or without food, and no having to have a pint of water is so much better and I do not think I have missed one day.
  • General tiredness has gone

I have suffered from the occasional hot flush and burning sensation on my skin but besides that I have no other complaints.


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